Fantasy story taking inspiration from a Conan/Red Sonja type of world.
Currently my long term project for Aces Weekly., appearing in Volumes 38, 59 and 65-67.
Brush and Ink. (with a little bit of Screentone here and there...)

Serraq - The Fickle Whim of Elbriphus
Second little Adventure of Serraq with Mennatus in tow. A strange little story written in reaction to being cheated out of money for work I'd done.
Brush and Ink.
(Scumbag called Adam Fortier from Portmanteau Publishing if you're interested...)

Serraq - The Hunt.
Serraq and Mennatus find themselves a little bit on the lost side, and without any provisions....
Brush and Ink.

Serraq - The Dark Siege of Myllford.
Serraq and Mennatus answer the call to help an old friend, and things take a dark turn...
Brush and Ink.

Serraq - Challenge of the Wandering Moon.
After leaving Myllford, Serraq and Mennatus witness a strange event that may soon lead to dire concequences...
Brush and Ink.

Thank you!