Originally drawn in Oct '07 as a sample, for 2000AD that I ultimately never sent - not sure why. Then sent the script to Dave, Editor of FutureQuake and Zarjaz for possible selection for Zarjaz. Published Oct '08. First strip written by me to be published.

First strip for Zarjaz. Double Page centre spread. Appeared in colour. Dave - the Editor said that he had someone to colour it, but I said I'd see if I had time as I would have preferred to do it myself. - control freak?!? -but ultimately I wasn't happy with it. Final version was coloured by Dan Evans.
Written by Colin J Dinnie.

Expanding upon the David Lloyd style, that I'd used for the 'Holy Island strip in OVS (asked for by Dave) but adding Screen tone. Not too sure about this one. Took over twice as long to complete than usual. Written by The Emperor. Appeared in Zarjaz 9.

The start of the FLESH epic!!
Written by Mark Howard. Was originally meant to appear over the course of four issues of Zarjaz, (starting with issue 9, I believe) but Dave decided that it might be better for it to be in one issue, with other strips between each part. At the time it was written we weren't sure whether it would continue onto a 'Book II' so I did alternate captions for last page.
This first appeared in Zarjaz 10.

Book II of FLESH:Extinction appeared in Zarjaz 14.
The first two pages were inked with a brush, but I wasn't too happy with the look so I went back to using the Gel Ink Ballpoint pen that I'd used for Book I. (used the brush for beefing up the odd line and for the solid blacks)

FLESH:Extinction Book III. The end of an Epic!!!
Scheduled to appear in Zarjaz 17.
The last two pages of Part 2 are a double page splash that will across the middle pages of the book. Actually coloured this one myself.